What Is Dry Needling?

Functional Dry Needling involves a physical assessment and intervention for connective tissues and neuromusculoskeletal conditions. A physical therapist uses a thin filiform needle without medication or injection inserted through the skin to deactivate underlying myofascial trigger points or refer pain and "loosen" muscle tension.  Physical therapists use this technique to 'reset' tight muscles, diminish persistent peripheral nociceptive input, and increase blood flow to specific body areas. Experience the transformative benefits of trigger point dry needling in Nashville, TN where our skilled therapists are dedicated to helping you achieve optimal health and wellness.

Functional Dry Needling Treatment is NOT acupuncture. The physical therapy methodology, purpose, desired benefits, and treatment approaches differ vastly from acupuncture. If you're seeking trigger point dry needling in Nashville, our clinic provides expert care in this specialized therapy. Acupuncture is steeped in Eastern medicine; FDN reduces muscle tension based on Western medicine, modern scientific study, nervous system, physiology, and knowledge of anatomy.

What Is A Trigger Point?

A trigger point is a taut band of skeletal muscle located within a large muscle group. Trigger points can be tender to touch, causing local pain. However, it can also refer to pain in neighboring tissues mimicking sciatica, headaches, neck pain, leg pain, or other conditions. If you're dealing with these issues, trigger point dry needling in Nashville can be an effective treatment option.

This effective treatment likely affects the immune, inflammatory, biomechanical, vascular, and neurological systems.  Modern Dry Needling is a technique to treat dysfunctions in the neuromusculoskeletal systems based on pain patterns, muscular dysfunction, and other orthopedic signs and symptoms.

Experience Exceptional Care at Our Chiropractor Clinic in Nashville, TN

Experience exceptional care at our Nashville chiropractor clinic, where our dedicated team provides personalized treatment plans tailored to your needs. We prioritize your comfort and well-being, offering a welcoming environment for relief from chronic pain, injury recovery, and overall health improvement.

Chiropractic Adjustmen
t: Experience the transformative benefits of our expert chiropractic adjustments, tailored for pain relief and enhanced mobility.

Fascial Distortion Model: Explore our innovative approach to treating soft tissue injuries and chronic pain through the renowned Fascial Distortion Model, available at our Nashville location.

McKenzie Method: Find targeted relief from back and neck discomfort with our specialized McKenzie Method, a precise mechanical diagnosis and therapy technique offered by our Nashville chiropractor.

Flexion Distraction: Reclaim comfort and vitality with gentle, non-invasive care for disc-related issues and spinal pain through our soothing flexion distraction therapy sessions in Nashville.

Trust our expert team to provide you with personalized care and relief.

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